Thursday, August 27, 2020

Dollars and Dreams Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Dollars and Dreams - Essay Example There are still others that consider it to be a place that is known for waste and commercialization where the plenitude is flooding to such an extent that there isn't sufficient space to hold all that is delivered and discarded. Reality that it is a position of difficulty where individuals make a solid effort to scarcely endure is once in a while the overall impression of the American Dream. The film Dollars and Dreams: West Africans in New York (2007) is a narrative that examines the experience and wonder of movement from West Africa to the United States. The narrative producers investigate reality of life in New York for the individuals who have relocated from West Africa into what they thought would be a simpler and increasingly fruitful life. Through an account that incorporates fruitful, enduring, and battling settlers from West Africa, the film makes an elective viewpoint on the experience of living in New York and in the United States. The makers of the movie were Jeremy Rockl in an Abdel Kader Ouedarogo with Jeremy Rocklin coordinating and it is dispersed by Documentary Educational Resources. One of the principal proclamations made in the film is by Chika Onyeani who is the Publisher and Editor in Chief of The African Sun Times is that there is a discernment that in America cash falls from the sky. President of Cape Aloe Ferox Worldwide, Arthur Smith, states in the film that the dollar is omnipotent and that they think it is simple in America and Zain Abdullah of Temple University uncovers that the principal astounding thing that migrants from West Africa experience is that there is destitution in America and that it isn't as simple to discover wealth in the place where there is new chances at life. The idea of chance turns out to be all the more genuine as in while there might be opportunity, one needs to look and discover it (Rocklin and Ouedarogo, 2007). Zain Abdullah keeps on examining the way of life of migrants as they carry on with an existence of misleading where they battle by working a few employments, yet then present their encounters to those back home as satisfying the desires that they had when they left their home to venture out to the new land. The double dealing depends on the observations that are advanced in West Africa that there is only wealth in the United States and to go to America and battle would be seen as a disappointment. Abdullah states that it resembles going into a gold mine and coming out with nothing to appear for the exertion (Rocklin and Ouedarogo, 2007). Kaira-Murdock (2008) composes that the explanation that Jeremy Rocklin an Abdel Kader Ouedarogo chose to make this narrative was to make a progressively practical perspective on New York for West Africans before they settled on the choice to move from their country and look for their fortunes. The real factors of New York and the pace of destitution, even among the working poor, is something that isn't viewed as when settling on the choice to mo ve. The film is outwardly agitating as the trash in the road and the unattended urban setting is differentiated to the wealthy speakers who talk about the real factors of moving to New York, despite the fact that most of the underlying speakers have unmistakably discovered their own achievement in this nation. The genuine issue with migration from different countries is that the picture of America depends on Hollywood optimism that is appeared in films. Prejudice dependent on darkness is uncommon in West Africa so the experience of being abused comes as an amazement for a large number of the individuals who move to New York. Kaira-Murdock (2

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